If you can’t get a loan from your bank, you know how expensive private business loans can be, but they serve a purpose and need to be utilized wisely. These loans fill a desperate need and are priced accordingly.
The rates you pay are based on your credit and on the length of time for the payback. These loans are usually paid back in daily payments to make the overall payment more affordable from your business cash flow. The lender is buying your future cash flow and calls these this type of lending cash advances.
Our guy Jim is the best at matching you up with the funds you need quickly and at the most affordable terms. He will look at your situation and use a lender that best fits your business and your cash flow. The whole point of one of these quick business loans is to solve a cash crunch or need for immediate funding.
Working with Jim you can have the confidence that he will work with you one on one to get the funds you need. This may mean using equipment leasing as a funding source or a longer term business loan if that fits your situation better.
You will need to be in business at least 6 months. This is a requirement by the lenders. They need to be able to see your cash flow. They are looking at your revenue flow through your business checking account to see if you will be able to make the payback without disturbing the lifeblood cash your business needs to continue operating.
You will need to provide 6 months business bank statements. Again, the lender is looking for cash flow and this is the clearest way to see it.
Jim can have the cash to you as quick as 24 hours and a little longer if you can provide full financials to get a longer term monthly payment business loan.
Contact me at your earliest convenience so that we can talk. No pressure. No clicking on endless ads from brokers who say they can do this and do that. They are call center sweatshops and churn and burn their reps quickly.
Jim has been doing these and other types of business loans since 1996.
Call Rob Renk at 303-521-7622