Project Funding – up to 100% – for Real Estate and Business Projects
Our Lender will fund up to 100% of your funding request for most industries on a Global scale. Funds are available for lending in most countries. This a US-based Lender with a Global reach and resources.
- $129,000,000 USD for a Film Production Company – USA
- $109,000,000 USD for a Condo Development Project – South America
- Another Example – We have an experienced commercial real estate developer in the Philippines who is also a commercial architect. She completed the application process with our funding source and her risk profile score from underwriting is only requiring upfront fees, including the insurance policy that secures the loan, of 0.002359658 on a $500millionUSD loan with a 20-year term at 3%. Her first tranche is $80million – only just over $188k in fees for the first tranche with no collateral except the insurance policy which the funding source is arranging for the client.
Minimum loan amount of $10,000,000 USD and up. Technically no upper limit.
U.S.-based funding source:
- This source will consider real estate and business projects around the globe.
- The interest rate on the loans is 3% +
- They have a hot button for oil projects because, in many cases, they are positioned through one of their other businesses to buy as much oil as the client can produce
- The application clearly states that the upfront fees are fully refundable if underwriting declines to fund the loan.
- Clients can include financial details asking for the loan disbursement in tranches. For example, if the first tranche is only $2.6millionUSD, this means the client would need to pay upfront approximately $20,000USD to cover the commitment fee, payment protection insurance premium, and any applicable transfer taxes in order to receive the first tranche. The client could then reserve part of that initial $2.6million in order to cover the remaining upfront fees to release the rest of their loan disbursements.
- The fees noted above are running approximately .0077% of the loan amount. The client can use this number to calculate the fees due for each of their proposed loan disbursements.
- 30% of the total loan amount is held by the funding source for the client as a management reserve and earns at least 5% interest (currently), which is credited to the client when they request to draw down the management reserve. If the client needs most of their loan proceeds at one time, they need to increase their total loan request by 30%.
- There are no pre-payment penalties.
- You must provide us accurate and legitimate supporting documents. The business plan must show that an experienced team is in place to successfully execute and complete the project being presented.
International-based funding source:
- This is an underwriting team that provides funding from a consortium of over 30 global banks.
- Their interest rates are from 2%-4.5% +
- This option is only for sophisticated clients who have funds on hand to cover at least some of their pre-development costs – this team has a related company that can raise money to help the client cover most, if not all, of their pre-development costs in exchange for an equity stake in the project.
- For International Projects there is a non-refundable $10,000 application fee. (this does not apply to US-Based Projects.)
- There would be an initial teleconference for mutual Q&A before paying any fees.
- One of the lead underwriters would visit the project site for at least several days to meet with the principals, talk to local community and government officials to make sure the project has full support of all concerned, etc….
- Contact us to begin the process. We will take a look at your project to see if we can assist you in gaining funding.
- NDA/Fee Agreement – when you are ready to get started this document will be sent to you. It needs to be signed and sent back. At that point we will forward the loan application.
- We use a secure link to share the application documents and the completed application and all supporting documents must be uploaded using that secure link – we will not accept anything via email except a project deck and executive summary so we can determine if the client is qualified for our funding sources. We receive email alerts from our cloud drive for all downloads and uploads.
- Loan Application – This will need to be completed and signed along with the items from the Documentation Checklist to present to our underwriter to get the initial LOI from the Lender.
- KYC/ Know Your Customer Document + color copies of identification documents (Passport – Driver’s License, etc.)
- Project Deck – Depending on type of project funding being sought. This should include, but not be limited to, current color photographs of the project site (s) if applicable, in addition to helping us understand your requested loan amount.
- Executive Summary – Detailed financial statements must demonstrate the use of funds for all o f the loan proceeds and include how the loan will be repaid though the entire loan term, even if you intend to repay the loan early. Lender does not have an early payoff penalty.
- Additional Documents – please provide any additional documentation to help support your use of the funds for your project.
To get started use the Contact Us page to tell us about your project, or send an email directly to us with your Project Deck and Executive Summary.